(10/24/23) The final chase is being made!
it's like the other baggie games where instead of me reusing level design im making a new level entirely because if i included the two levels in the same scene it would be super laggy
(10/20/23) THE BOSS (itself IS DONE!)
just the boss is done nothing else rn
(9/16/23) Here's the boss!
i didn't really think of a description for this one but hey fiddle stone baggie is here and yes the form finally has a purpose yayayya
(9/16/23) Rocc's Mech!
look at that hey did you know that thing costs 50 billion dollar whowzer
(8/22/23) Stage 2 Is Done!
sorry for the lack of updates AGAIN but hey the stage is finished now yippie you only get this one screenshot heheheha he he he hoo
ok buy
(8/6/23) Stage 2 Is in progress!
sorry for the 2 MONTH gap between posts anyway heres some stage progress to make it up to you the stage is called funky factory
ok by e
(6/29/23) Games, Games, GAMES!
It's all games! THERES ONLY GAMES WHAT THE HECK also the stage is done dont mind the old screenshot
(6/28/23) Please take the stairs!
i promise you its gonna be super cool just trust me brohgfvghjytfcvbhuytfcvbhuytfghu76trfv
(6/22/23) Post-processing!
Look at the signs! They're glowing!
(6/15/23) Placeholders Begone!
​I've been doing a lot more work on the stage, and now its starting to look good!
(6/13/23) Placeholders Galore!
I've started work on the final world for BCODD, so as of right now, It's just filled with white cubes as of right now.
(6/13/23) Rocc's SUPER Castle!
​This is the current idea I have for the final world, so expect a lot of things to be changed.